Stop! Your comment is in danger of being deleted if it has either of the following two qualities.
Does it:
• Presume that cooking game-based vegetarian food is my fucking job, rather than a time-consuming hobby?
• Presume that cooking game-based vegetarian food is my fucking job, rather than a time-consuming hobby?
I'll reply to requests for substitutions, where to find ingredients, etc, but be reasonable.
• Disrespect someone else's food choices?
There are complex moral issues around food and people answer them in different ways based on their own beliefs and experiences. Because we all have different beliefs and experiences, we could argue this for fucking ever, and I'm sick of it. No meat eaters sniping at veggies or vice-versa. I myself will be doing my level best not to be a dick to vegans.
"This looks interesting, I think I'll try it with beef."
"I'm trying to eat less salt, is there a good substitute for soy sauce?"
"This looks interesting, I think I'll try it with slices of still-quivering, formerly living tissue."
"I wish you had cooked this with chicken instead of seitan, because then I could eat it."
"Make the Sandvich from TF2 haha sandvich"
"Can you write the recipe again with beef please. Not everyone is a hippie you know"
"I need a Mario wedding cake ok"
"How can you say you'd like to try this with beef, you MONSTER."
"Is there a gluten-free version of seitan?"